Graveyard Cups 24 clear 12-oz. plastic cups 2 pkgs. Oreo cookies 2 recipes of chocolate pudding whipped cream 24 Pepperidge Farms Milano Cookies brown or black cake decorating gel 24 gummi worms Crush all Oreos in food processor. In the bottom of each cup, place about 1 Tbsp. of Oreos. Mix remainder of Oreos in pudding mixture, holding out about 2 cups for topping. Then spoon about 2 TBSP Oreo mixture over pudding. Poke one gummi worm down in dirt, still showing on top. On each Milano cookie, write on top half "RIP" with cake decorating gel, and stick them down in the back of the cup. They resemble tombstones. Note: Can also do in a sheet cake pan with lots of tombstones and worms for a home party.